歌词里有one two three(onetwothree节奏感强英文歌)


歌词里有one two three(onetwothree节奏感强英文歌)

嗨大家好呀!我是吾爱音乐达人,网名就叫做“音乐小调调”吧!今天我要给大家带来一首超有节奏感的英文歌曲《One Two Three》的歌词。准备好跟着节奏一起嗨起来了吗?

(Verse 1)

One, two, three

Come on, dance with me

Feel the beat, let it flow

Move yo body, here we go


Hands up high, touch the sky

Feel the energy, don't be shy

Jump and spin, feel the heat

Let the music take you off yo feet


One, two, three, let's go crazy

Dancing all night, feeling so free

One, two, three, feel the rhythm

Jump and shout, let's make some noise

(Verse 2)

Tn it up, feel the bass

In this moment, time and space

Forget yo worries, let it go

We're in the zone, just let it flow


Hands in the air, we them like you just don't care

Side to side, let's take this ride

Feel the groove, let it move

We're unstoppable, we can't lose


One, two, three, let's go crazy

Dancing all night, feeling so free

One, two, three, feel the rhythm

Jump and shout, let's make some noise


One, two, three, the party's on fire

Keep the energy up, reach higher

One, two, three, let's go crazy

Dancing all night, feeling so free


《One Two Three》这首歌,还有很多其他的英文歌曲也非常好听。比如《Shape of You》、《Hana》、《Despacito》等等。它们都有着独特的旋律和动听的歌词,一听就让人沉浸其中。


我想大家喜欢今天给大家介绍的《One Two Three》这首歌,也我想大家能够在音乐的世界里找到属于自己的快乐和感动。记得随时跟着节奏一起嗨起来哦!嘿嘿,音乐小调调在这里祝大家度过愉快的一天!